In The Face of Tragedy...
In The Face of Tragedy...we could still make a change.
For all the symphatetic bloggers out there who want to make a contribution to disaster-relief efforts in Central Java, you could contact:
-Bali Crisis Centre (0361-7449892), the volunteers in the centre are currently collecting food and medical supply for shipment to Jogja.
-Romo Sandyawan (08128774044), the coordinator of the Indonesia's Jaringan Relawan Kemanusiaan (Volunteers Network)
-Yuli Ekawati (081382161248), this brave young girl is currently, single-handedly, preparing a truckload of food supply for a small district of Cawas in Klaten regency. Those bloggers who hailed from this area might want to give her a hand. The truck, and Yuli, will leave for Klaten on Monday evening.
--Cash donation could be transferred to BNI Cabang Gajah Mada Denpasar, account number : 0048831804. The account belongs to Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, an alumnus of Jogja's Gajah Mada University. She could be contacted at 081338434919.
Respect for the Volunteers
Marlowe & Jun