Sunday, May 28, 2006

In The Face of Tragedy...

In The Face of Tragedy...we could still make a change.

For all the symphatetic bloggers out there who want to make a contribution to disaster-relief efforts in Central Java, you could contact:

-Bali Crisis Centre (0361-7449892), the volunteers in the centre are currently collecting food and medical supply for shipment to Jogja.

-Romo Sandyawan (08128774044), the coordinator of the Indonesia's Jaringan Relawan Kemanusiaan (Volunteers Network)

-Yuli Ekawati (081382161248), this brave young girl is currently, single-handedly, preparing a truckload of food supply for a small district of Cawas in Klaten regency. Those bloggers who hailed from this area might want to give her a hand. The truck, and Yuli, will leave for Klaten on Monday evening.

--Cash donation could be transferred to BNI Cabang Gajah Mada Denpasar, account number : 0048831804. The account belongs to Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, an alumnus of Jogja's Gajah Mada University. She could be contacted at 081338434919.

Respect for the Volunteers

Marlowe & Jun

A Nation in Grief

Even moving images...
Will never be able to fully capture the paralyzing pain of this tragedy.

Only tears...the silent ones
That come close to express the indescribable anguish that now engulfs our hearts.

To our brothers and sisters in Yogya, Bantul, Klaten, Sleman...
We extend our deepest of condolences
Forgive us for not being there with you nows...
But rest assured that our hearts, our prays are solely for you

Marlowe & Jun